Silly Stories, Part 3: a story for declan – Wilma the Worm

This little terrible poem was inspired by boredom in Javas, and the fact that I twist sugar sachets and put them inside each other, because I’m a neat-freak sometimes.

But when I added the chocolate wrapper, it looked like a worm with a fabulous blue rinse, or perhaps a purple mohawk.

I named her Wilma, and gave her eyes. Declan thought her eyebrows were really quite fetching. So I wrote this beautiful piece of art for him.


wilma the worm
Wilma The Worm

Wilma the Worm

Wilma the worm and her questioning eyebrows,
Went into town to buy herself some glasses,
But a problem arose while trying on frames,
As she has no ears.

So Wilma the worm and her questioning eyebrows
Had to make do with perusing hot asses,
Without the aid of a new pair of glasses,
Because she has no ears.


part 3 of an irregular series.

Free Download: Theme 4 (instrumental)

This was just an idea for a project I was working on briefly, but there were two of the piano instrumentals that I came up with that I really liked. Much like Bewerunge, this is what it sounds like if I sit at the piano and play sometimes. A lot of my piano music is improvised, and then shaped after I’ve improvised the themes or ideas I want to work with. Sitting and just allowing yourself to play is a challenge initially – I remember some of the awful music I used to come out with when I first started to just let myself play anything at the piano instead of just reading music from a page.

In terms of instrumental music, I guess I’m influenced most by the kind of piano music that I like to play these days. Composers such as Lucovicio Einuadi, Philip Glass and Max Richter are some of my absolute favourites to listen to and to play. So, there’s a strong influence from their styles of music these days when I go to play something.

mister ebby – theme 4

pres primary school piano (used for a show) - 3

Free Download: Take Me Away (demo)

I wrote the lyrics for this song while I was in Dublin, I think some were written on the train to Dublin and the rest in the IFI. I wasn’t fully sure what the lyrics were about at the time, and they were puzzling me a bit. But I had a music idea in my head, but when I went to the piano some time later, the music changed and the song developed a different sound to what I had previously thought in my head.

But even as I had started playing the song live a little, there was something missing in it, and I couldn’t hear what it was. Then an Allelujah I’d written for a amateur musical production inspired by the music of Sister Act (no joke), decided to slip into the song. It fitted, and definitely suited this song more than the choral arrangement of Kylie’s Can’t Get You Out Of My Head that I’d written it for initially. (again, I’m not joking. I still have that arrangement.)

But as soon as the Allelujah slipped into the song, I realised what the song was about, and it all became much clearer to me. The beautiful Meadhbh Sullivan added the vocals for the Allelujah parts for me, and the demo is a good idea of what the song will be.

mister ebby – Take Me Away (demo) featuring Meadhbh Sullivan

meadhbh and ebby

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Free Download: Themes 1, 2, 3

These were sketches of melody ideas for a project that never really came about. But I quite like the ideas. This piece is just a few little sketches that I came up with while playing the piano in Java’s café in Galway one afternoon. It’s a beautiful piano, and it seems to prefer being used for instrumental music than anything else. There are times when it can be a bit annoying, as the piano is there for anyone to use, but generally people treat it with respect and you can stumble upon some beautiful piano music in there.

But this piece was really shaped by that piano, actually, the sound of the piano is quite distinct, and I really would love to use it for some recording. My digital piano sounds just a little too bright and cheery for the music, in my opinion, but I’m probably just being a bit of a stickler.

mister ebby – themes 1, 2, 3

the old baby grand

Inspiration: Brad Walsh

Brad Walsh is a multi talented creative force. A singer/songwriter, producer and photographer. I remember hearing his music quite a few years back and liking his electro influenced sound. Yet he has developed a really signature sound that is totally identifiably his own. His cover of Stacey Q’s Two Of Hearts created a major buzz online, and his remixes of Britney’s Womanizer and Ashlee Simpson’s Out Of My Head are absolutely fantastic.

Check out his new album on his website, which is hitting shops in October.

And you can listen to more of his music at his MySpace page, including his amazing cover of Two Of Hearts as well as his original songs.

Why is he an inspiration? He’s done it all himself with style and determination.

Brad Walsh - Human Nature
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