
Forthcoming music projects

Instrumental Piano EP.
I write a lot of little piano pieces, and I improvise every time I’m at a piano. It’s what I use to explore musical ideas that might later become songs, or be developed into something else. Sometimes the pieces are complete with just solo piano. One of my friends asked me to put out a record of just piano pieces, so I’ve been going through the instrumentals that I’ve written to see what I would use for a little EP like that. Here’s some samples of demos done for the pieces so far, along with one studio recording:

Album #2.
It’s pretty much written and almost ready to head into the studio with, but I’m writing a lot of new songs lately, so we’ll see what makes the cut to be recorded in the studio and what doesn’t. I’ve about 20 songs written to go on this album, which I need to look at objectively and see what is strong enough to work together as a cohesive work.

Demoing the songs and playing them live is working out the little details and really makes me see what I think of the work, and a fair few of these songs have cropped up in my live sets over the past few months. I had a bunch of songs that didn’t fit with the idea for Wires that I was I trying to achieve, and I’d set aside to be the start of the next record, which was going to be the flipside to Wires, but I’ve been writing quite a bit since I finished that record, so I need to take some time with these newer songs and see where we’re going right now.