The Bliss Returns – live at Charlie Byrne’s

This is a video that was shot before I even found the studio that I ended up recording the album in. The morning of this shoot the camera assist, Yvonne Ryan, mentioned Charthouse Studios to me, and gave me the contact info of Ian McNulty, who ended up engineering and mixing the record. The band Yvonne is in, Ambience Affair, had recorded at that studio, and she knew that they had recently put a piano in.

The video was shot by Mark Willis of Bluestack Records, who also very kindly did my promo video for my fundit campaign, and my brother Phil Brett was taking care of the sound. The video was intended for a larger project the two guys had in mind, but I’m told there’s been problems with the external hard drive Mark had stored the footage on. I hope they didn’t lose all that work. Hard drive failures are annoying as hell, as I recently was reminded myself.

However, this one long shot take survives, and the guys put it together for me, for which I’m very grateful.

This song is on the album, in a more fleshed out version with drums, bass and cello, but in this video it’s just me and a piano in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop in Galway.

Album launch nights in Galway and Dublin

I’ve organised two little intimate gigs to launch the album – one here in Galway, which seems only apt, and one in Dublin too. I hope most of the people who helped fund the record over on Fund:it can make it to one of those two nights, and celebrate the end product of a lot of hard work, grit, determination and enjoyment. I’m really so pleased to have been able to do this record and it really has been worth it. I quite like the album itself, and I’m very proud of it. I can only hope at this stage that other people listen to it and that some of those people will like it enough to listen to it some more.

The Galway date is November 30th, upstairs in the Róisín Dubh, and the following day is the date in Dublin on Dec 1st in the Loft space in the Twisted Pepper – which is also home to Elastic Witch record shop, which is one of the retailers here that will be stocking the record. The wonderful Wing Nut record store in the Bell, Book & Candle bookshop will also be stocking it, and I’ll update if any more stores do stock it.

But you will be able to buy it directly from this site too, through my bandcamp page, when the album goes live online. Bandcamp is also the best place to buy the album as a digital download, as quite frankly, more of the money goes to me that way instead of to other middlemen. But the album will be sent to iTunes music store and other digital retailers, which I will post links to when the album is live on those stores.

Galway Film Fleadh & Fund:it

The Galway Film Fleadh has agreed to donate two movie tickets to two pledgers to my fundit campaign. You can donate as little as €5 and potentially get a full album and two tickets for a movie at the Fleadh for that price!

First set of tickets will be given to Pledgers who make their pledge in the first two weeks of the campaign (i.e. before midnight on Sunday 19th).

The second set of tickets to people who pledge between Monday the 20th and Sunday 26th of June. A nice random surprise top-up to your pledge!

The Fleadh takes place in Galway between the 5th and 10th of July, and the programme hasn’t been announced just yet, but keep an eye on the website! As soon as the programme is announced I should know more specific details about the tickets.

Limerick and Galway gigs this weekend

Playing the guest slot at this week’s Limerick Songwriters night in Foley’s Bar on Sarsfield St. If you’re around Limerick, drop in and hear some of my music. I don’t think I’ve ever done a gig in Limerick before, so it’ll be a first for me.

Galway folk, I’m playing the Citóg night this Friday in De Burgo’s supporting Music For Dead Birds and Niall Murphy, which will be a wonderful night. As usual there will be a donation box at the door supporting St. Vincent De Paul.

Snow days

Snapped some more photos of the snow, and low solstice sunlight over the last day or two.

Here’s a few of them (click to see bigger versions, as per usual) :

St. Nicholas’ Cathedral and one of my favourite lines of trees in the city:

The grounds of NUIG

They were just snapped on my HTC Desire, not anything snazzy. ;) But it’s handy to have on me when I don’t feel like carrying around a camera. You can get decent shots with it too, every so often.

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