Galway Film Fleadh & Fund:it

The Galway Film Fleadh has agreed to donate two movie tickets to two pledgers to my fundit campaign. You can donate as little as €5 and potentially get a full album and two tickets for a movie at the Fleadh for that price!

First set of tickets will be given to Pledgers who make their pledge in the first two weeks of the campaign (i.e. before midnight on Sunday 19th).

The second set of tickets to people who pledge between Monday the 20th and Sunday 26th of June. A nice random surprise top-up to your pledge!

The Fleadh takes place in Galway between the 5th and 10th of July, and the programme hasn’t been announced just yet, but keep an eye on the website! As soon as the programme is announced I should know more specific details about the tickets.

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