A Week With No Phone

I lost my iPhone last Wednesday while walking the dog I’m looking after while some friends are away. I’m gutted and so angry with myself for losing the iPhone while in the park – I doubled back twice to try and find it, but with no luck. I dropped into O2 the next day, and got a replacement SIM card, but no replacement handset as I’ve honestly no idea what to do.

I should just get a cheap handset and use that for the summer until I’m able to get an upgrade, but honestly a crappy phone will only frustrate me at this stage, because I’ve gotten so used to a phone doing what I want it to do. There’s little things that smartphones like the iPhone do that just make my life easier, and I’m not sure I’d be able to deal with the lack of those features.

Thing is, I’m so very broke at the moment, and there’s no way I can afford to be thinking about getting a new iPhone to replace the one I lost. It’s frustrating.

It’s also the longest I’ve gone without a phone since I got my first mobile phone back in 1999. It’s made me realise just how much of my social and working life is organised through my phone, and just how unreachable I am without it. I’ve seen only a small handful of my friends in this past week: Anna I arranged to meet up with in town at a specific time and place, while chatting to her on Facebook; Adam got in touch through twitter and skype to arrange to go for a swim. Aside from that, I’ve been in touch with people through the ‘net in various ways, but I’ve not actually had the same ease of contact to arrange to meet with anyone. I guess I didn’t realise just how much my phone has become an integral part of my life, and how much of a hindrance a lack of a mobile is in modern life.

It’s just taken as a given that you can be reached at all times on your phone, or that a voicemail will get to you. I’m trying to talk myself into just getting whatever crappy handset I can afford, and just deal with it as the result of being an idiot and losing my phone. I think it’s the 2nd time I’ve ever lost my phone in over 10 years of owning a mobile phone, and I don’t even have the excuse of having been drunk.

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