Pekka Kuusisto on music

After hearing him interviewed on LyricFM this afternoon, I just had to investigate this guy more. I love how he talks about music and performance, and the value of music.

Here’s this afternoon’s interview:

And a great video interview with Britten Sinfonia violinst Lizzie Ball where he “explains his unique outlook on music, performance and life in general.”

Interview with Pekka Kuusisto from Britten Sinfonia on Vimeo.

Both interviews are well worth spending the time listening to if you’re passionate about music – classical or not. There’s a great random impromptu hotel room fiddle session in the middle of that video above. Fantastic folk music and an absolute gem.
One little gem of advice that made me smile at the same time:
“If you’re hungry, you should play more chamber music. If your television is broken, you should play more chamber music.”