Jazz Festival, more mixing, and a Swede

I’ll be playing a set in the Festival Club at the Guinness Cork Jazz Festival this October 30th. The time isn’t confirmed as yet, but I’ll update some more about that when I know later on. I don’t believe I’ve ever actually played a gig in Cork before, now that I think about it. I’m looking forward to showcasing some of the tracks from the record along with some of the other songs that didn’t make it on to this record, but are being held over for a later date.

I’ve also been writing again recently, reworking older unfinished songs, polishing off mostly finished song, and writing some brand new ones too. I’m really happy with some of the newer material and a little part of me wishes I could just jump right back into the studio and knock out a second record this winter, as I have enough songs that I’m happy with to go and do that. But I still have work to do to finish off this one first. And who knows what other songs I’ll write in the meantime.

I was back in the studio for a day a week or two ago to do some tweaks to the album mixes, but I think I now have mixes that I’m happy with of the record. Some little things niggling at me about the track sequencing at the moment, but I took a break from listening to the record to go back at it with fresh ears and sort out the part of the sequencing that I’m not happy with. The next stage will be to get the record mastered.

I’ve been spending a lot of time playing piano again – the digital piano is set up in my room, and I’ve been able to play away on headphones. However, I’ve been snatching time at the acoustic piano too – though it is in dire need of tuning and some minor repairs. Hopefully that’ll all be sorted out next week when the piano tuner comes to call!

One of my best friends is visiting from Sweden for a few days next week too. Last time she was here I had just bought my first little protools recording setup, and we had a ball recording some covers and little things on that same piano that I’m getting tuned next week. Nika plays in two wonderful Swedish traditional folk groups, Sheik and JONI, and as well as having her own solo output, and studied classical piano with me in Maynooth a number of years ago. If you’ve never listened to any Swedish traditional folk, any of those three links wouldn’t be a bad introduction, in my opinion. One of the songs I learned from her, VargsÃ¥ngen, I ended up arranging for SATB choir and performing with the NUIG Choralsoc last year, and is one of my favourites of my own arrangements.

Here’s Annika singing a cover of Joni Mitchell’s “Conversation” on my piano a long time ago now. It’s quite quiet, but I had just one microphone that was on loan from a friend, and the actual recording session itself is lost, and we just have mp3 copies of those tracks left. But she did a really lovely version of this song:

annika hammer – conversation by misterebby

Studio Days: mixing days

I realise I’ve not posted any photos of myself from the studio days, but then Charthouse Studios themselves posted some shots of me today. So, thank you Ian, for taking some photos of me pretending to play the piano. I’m sure it looks dead natural. These were actually from the last day that I was tracking piano and vocals for the record.

studio daysstudio days

I’m back in the studio next week for a final day to fix the little niggly things that aren’t quite right with the mixes just yet. The mixing days were long, but were really interesting to be honest. It brought so much clarity to what we had tracked, and really cleaned up the tracks so much by refining and shaping the songs to sound the way they should. We covered a lot of ground in a very short space of time, but really, it’s still a record being made on a very tight budget, so that’s to be expected. That said, I’m really pleased with how it has been turning out and I can’t wait until it is all finished and I’m able to share it with people. It definitely has been the best use of my summer possible.

Studio Days: week 6

The last little pieces of the recording plan fell into place this week, as I got a double bass player, and some of the additional vocalists into the studio. I’m spending a few days not listening to anything now, so I can go back with fresh ears and hear what I’ve done over the 11 days in total that I spent tracking in the studio. Perhaps fresh ears will point out something I need on a track that I’d not previously planned on, or thought of, or will pick out something that was recorded that maybe doesn’t work or fit as well as I thought it would. Regardless, I’m taking a break from it all, and listening to other music that I love.

Meadhbh was up on Tuesday to do her parts for me and even managed to remind me of a harmony part that I’d completely forgotten which she had demo’d for me nearly three years ago. I also added her voice into the mix where I’d been building up a choral texture of my own voice. I wanted an additional vocal timbre in the mix to better clarify some of the lines and to highlight some of the detail in the arrangements that I thought were getting a bit lost with just one multi-tracked voice.

Later that afternoon, some of the :fund:it backing singers landed in to track their parts. There had been a few cancellations over the previous weekend, but at that stage the studio time had been arranged and worked around all the dates and times that had been sent to me. It’s a pity that some people had to cancel last minute, but those who arrived and sang had a great time in the studio. I made a last minute change to what I wanted them to sing on one of the tracks, and wasn’t fully sure myself if it would work on the song or not, but the part sounds really wonderful and makes me smile so much. They got to see the studio, and have a look around the control room. Tracking some parts for a second track they really got to see how some parts are put together in the studio, and see how I put together some of the vocal arrangements.

On Wednesday George was in the studio to add double bass parts on some of the tracks. Damn, but that is a sexy instrument. It really helped add some more depth to the tracks it was on. Prior to this, the only bass notes have been from the piano parts, and I wouldn’t say my left hand is my strongest to be perfectly honest.

One of my favourite things about this whole process has been hearing what other musicians have brought to the songs – I’ve had ideas, or parts, or rough notions of what I wanted, and seeing how they interpreted all that was nerve wracking and exciting at the same time. Sometimes frustrating too, but always rewarding in the end. At times it was just sheer great fun.

Studio Days: week 5

Last week I had the pleasure of having two talented guys in playing on some tracks for my record. Aongus from Henrietta Game came in do some cello work, and Karl from The Young Folk was in on drums. It was a bit nerve-wracking for me initially, as it’s the first time I’ve had other people playing on my songs, aside from some friends singing with me or whatever.

I also don’t speak drums very well, and found it much harder to have a clear sense of what I wanted from the drummer. As opposed to the cellist, who I could deal with in terms of notes, pitches, and melodies, and felt way more at home with. Drumming is all about rhythms and textures or timbres – the different qualities of sounds used to create the rhythms and atmospheres. It really was a learning experience for me – the limit of my experience with drums was when I played with a rock band briefly in the UK as a session pianist, and then when Sweeney Lee had a drummer in her live band which I was the pianist for. It was always other people’s material, and never my own. But it was great to have the help of the engineer who was able to be a sort of translator between the two of us, and Karl brought some brilliant ideas and suggestions for songs I’d not even thought of having drums on.

When it came to the cello day, I had clear ideas of what I wanted him to play for some of the songs, and then just vague ideas of what I wanted and where I wanted them for other songs, so it was a mix of me quite explicitly telling Aongus what to plan and when, and giving him free rein to come up with a part for other sections. But even so, if there was something I liked better than another idea, or if he needed chord charts, that was all a musical language I was familiar with – notes, chords, keys – and I could express what I was looking for far easier.

Heading back in for the last few days of tracking tomorrow. There’s a bass player coming in, along with Meadhbh who is adding some beautiful vocals for me. The :fund:it backing singers are in too, to add their parts into the mix, and then we should be finished tracking the record at that stage. I’ll update after the next session, and I’ll definitely know where I stand at that point, but I can start to see the finished project coming together at the moment, and it’s quite exciting to see things taking shape.

Studio Days: week 4

I was back in the studio this week, finishing off all my piano and vocal tracking for the most part. Managed to get everything done that I had planned, and even have some extra time at the end of the session to knock out some bonus live takes in the studio. They actually turned out better than I expected, and I was listening back to everything last night. The only things missing in the ref tracks I was listening to were the extra backing vocals and one piano retake that I did on one song, but that’s not majorly important for me to get a sense of how the record is shaping up at the moment.

the lovely studio piano

Next up I have a drummer, bass player, and a cellist scheduled to come in, as well as some more vocalists, including my wonderful fund:it backing singers. It is at the point where I can see the end of the tracking in sight, and I’m busy planning the mixing and mastering stages. It’s a major change from a month ago when I was running the fund:it campaign, and unsure of whether it would be successful, and unsure of whether I would be able to afford to finish off the recording this year, let alone this summer.

the studio piano set up for a live takethe studio piano in a live set up

The engineer working away.the studio piano and the vocal mic, a portrait

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