Stream my album, and buy it if you like.

The digital version of my album went out to my fundit funders yesterday, and about half of them have already downloaded it at this stage. But you can now stream the album on Bandcamp or Soundcloud, and if you like, you can buy it from Bandcamp. It will shortly be available through iTunes and other digital stores over time.

Bandcamp is my own preferred digital retailer, as quite honestly, I get to charge you less for the album, and I make more money directly as it’s not going through a middle man of any kind.

The CD itself has had another little setback – I’m starting to take it as a hint that CDs maybe aren’t the way forward. The designer’s computer had a hard drive failure yesterday, and I’m not sure if he’s been able to retrieve any of the work that has been lost. Here’s hoping that he can.

Homotruths interview

I’m interviewed in “HomoTruths” column of the current issue of GCN, which also happens to be the 250th issue of the publication! It’s only a wee short piece about being a gay man in Galway which was formed from a phone interview, but I think Jeanette Rehnstrom got the gist of what I was saying pretty well.

You can read it online if you don’t have access to any of the places around the country where you can get GCN (which is a free publication, and seeking donations to keep going at the moment.)

GCN is a not for profit publication and registered charity that exists for one reason: to give LGBT people access to information about everything that is happening for them across Ireland, both politically and culturally and give them access to a sense of community.