Galway Rain (newer demo)

I was going through all the stuff I’ve demo’d and seeing what needed improving, and did two re-demos of two songs last night. This is the first of them : “Galway Rain”, which I’ve written about before.

I have an awful habit of being really “free” in my approach to rhythm and keeping a steady tempo. It’s something that has always plagued my piano work even as a classical student. But the years of having to practice with a metronome filled me with an absolute distaste for them and click tracks. But it’s something I need to overcome as well as working on listening closer to my own internal sense of rhythm instead of abandoning my playing completely to emotional rubato.

That was one of the reasons I wanted to retake this demo – to get a tighter feel to the pulse, which I managed to mess up in the bridge again when I went to relisten to it. I guess I’ll have to take out my metronome again, or overcome my fear of click tracks.

Listening back to recordings of yourself is the most horrible, yet often essential learning.

Anyways, here’s the re-take of that demo, mistakes and all.

Galway Rain (demo) by misterebby

Lyrics Read More

Snowy Galway

I snapped a few shots out and about around Galway over the last week or so, while we actually had snow again for the second winter running. (we’re not well used to that kind of thing. Wind and rain? Sure. Snow for a few days in a row? That’s rare.)

And one more, just because. The children’s carousel at the Galway Continental Christmas Market. The bright lights make me happy.

I Love Music too.

My three favourites from the list by Jake Armerding about why he loves music.

I love music because it can’t be conquered.  No one will ever get to the end of music, solve it or master it, although it can be dumbed down.


I love music because it’s like food:  after you’ve made it, you can enjoy it.  Also like food, music can be complex or simple and still be delicious.  It’s also better than food:  once you’ve made it, it can’t be used up.


Music would never make the traditional list of basic human needs:  food, shelter, clothing.  But just see how long you could get along without it.

The full list: “I Love Music, is definitely worth the read.

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